Programme 2022
At evening sessions we work on a topic - each member writing a piece. Members read out their work (if they wish) and then we discuss each other's contributions in a positive manner. Occasionally we have evenings where material is prepared in advance, allowing us to share longer pieces.
20 January
WORKSHOP: Feelings: Write a description of a place or everyday event from the perspective of a person who has just learned something terrible.... Then describe the same place or event but, this time, the person has just had fantastic news.
17 February
CRITICS NIGHT: Talking Heads: Write a monologue developing the voice of one of the following people: fitness fanatic; disillusioned nurse; bored but clever student; jovial social climber; music-loving dentist.
17 March
WORKSHOP: Complaining!: You will write a letter of complaint and then swap with another member who will write a reply before we share them with the group (however there will be an added twist to this exercise!)
21 April
WORKSHOP: Pass it On: An old, old favourite returns – write a paragraph and pass it on to the next person until the tale is done. There will be an Easter theme/opening line.
19 May
WORKSHOP: Mirror Universe: Playing with characters! (Julie to bring exercises)
16 June
WORKSHOP: Memories: Describe one of the following: your first brush with danger; the first time you defied your parents; your first great loss; your first all-nighter; your first artistic expression.
21 July
WORKSHOP: Cliches for Real: Take one of the following common clichés (or use your own favourite) and write as if it was the literal truth: describe a character who is fat as a cow, skinny as a rail or light as a feather; a fashion model who becomes green with envy; a cardiologist whose heart swells with pride; a banker with a heart of gold.
15 September
A.G.M.: 7pm-8pm
WORKSHOP: 8pm Word Play: Playing with word chains. (Julie to start)
(We've had a number of enquiries from possible new members who have spotted our posters around town. If this is potentially your first meeting you might want to miss the AGM and come along from 8pm for the fun bit - no need to prepare anything beforehand. Everyone welcome!)
20 October
STOP PRESS! We will not be able to meet at the Town Hall on Thursday 20th October. The meeting will instead be on Zoom - I've email details to members, but if you can't find them (or aren't on the mailing list) email and I'll resend!
CRITICS NIGHT: Changing Rooms: A building is now used for a very different purpose, or something significant happened there – write about your character(s) who know about its history and cannot stop thinking or feeling about it and how this then affects their actions.
17 November
WORKSHOP: Inkblot: Look at a picture of an inkblot(s) and then write a narrative based on what you see. (Julie to bring)
15 December
WORKSHOP: Film characters: Think about your favourite film character (or Xmas film character?) and be prepared to explore them in a variety of ways!
“Write down the thoughts of the moment. Those that come unsought for are commonly the most valuable.” - Francis Bacon