Programme 2015
At evening sessions we work on a topic - each member writing a piece. Members read out their work (if they wish) and then we discuss each other's contributions in a positive manner. Occasionally we have evenings where material is prepared in advance, allowing us to share longer pieces.
15 January
WORKSHOP: 1,2,3 Persons: Write 3 short pieces all describing the same scene/event but one is in the 1st person, one the 3rd and if you feel brave one the 2nd person. Guidance and examples will be given on the night.
19 February
CRITICS NIGHT: Critics Night!: Write a review of either a TV programme, film or book as if you were a newspaper critic.
19 March
WORKSHOP: Old Thing: An autobiography of the oldest thing in your house (real or fictional story). If you can (!) bring the object for us to see.
16 April
A.G.M. 7.00-8.00pm
WORKSHOP: from 8.00pm - April Fool’s: Write a piece, or bring a poem, that is an April Fool’s hoax or a story about an April Fool’s hoax.
21 May
WORKSHOP: Picture This: A story inspired by pictures chosen at random on the night.
18 June
WORKSHOP: Acts of Nature: A description of an extreme weather event but without mentioning the key protagonist, e.g. Storm/wind; Drought/burning sun; Blizzard/snow; Flood/water...
16 July
WORKSHOP: FLASH: Write a 100 word story (flash fiction) with titles given on the night.
17 September
WORKSHOP: Perspectives – Write the same short tale/scene from two very different perspectives e.g. youth/experience; male/female; interest/indifference; moral/immoral...
15 October
CRITICS NIGHT: Love or not? : write a lonely hearts ad, the reply to that ad and then a dialogue of their first meeting/date.
19 November
WORKSHOP: Whatever next!: 3 objectives but moved about at intervals and in unknown ways and you have to include them in your story. (Julie to bring objects)
10 December
WORKSHOP: “I’m Driving Home for Christmas”: A story based on the ideas/ lyrics of Chris Rea’s famous Xmas song.
“Write down the thoughts of the moment. Those that come unsought for are commonly the most
valuable.” - Francis Bacon